Can't Make It to the Salon? Here's How to Exfoliate Your Dead Skin From Feet at Home
Now look down and see that your feet are put through the wringer every day. So it's not surprising to see some wear and tear, including stiff, dry, flaky feet and cracked skin. In fact, hard, dead skin on your feet is not uncommon, but the good news is that it is often easy to repair. You don't need to go to a professional for a pedicure, as there are several ways to remove dead skin from your feet that can be done with home remedies. FOLLOW COOSEON, now here we go !

If you are wondering what causes hard, dry skin on the feet, there are several reasons.
The feet naturally shed dead skin cells, so this hardness can be a buildup. Lack of moisture can exacerbate the problem of dry, dead skin, as can the friction from running or walking, especially if you don't rub your feet often enough. During the winter months, when conditions are much more severe, we tend to neglect our feet, resulting in hard, dry skin. Another possible cause is the formation of scabs on the feet to prevent blisters, as they constantly move around when you are walking.
There are different types of dry skin that can cause calluses.
The most common type is corns, which form when hard skin thickens over a dry area. (This is why they are so common in runners and athletes. ) Corn corns are smaller than calluses and usually occur on the toes, most often on the pinky toe. The most common cause is friction, and corns often occur on people who regularly wear high heels.
Although corns and calluses are generally harmless, they can cause bacterial infections if they become too dry and crack, resulting in pain and possible bleeding. Therefore, it is important to treat rough skin, as, over time, it can become even drier and cause swelling and cracking.
In most cases, dry skin can be removed at home. In extreme cases, however, a specialist or podiatrist (also called a podiatrist) should be consulted. Sometimes underlying diseases such as athlete's foot, psoriasis, or atopic dermatitis can cause hard, dry feet.
The following are the best home remedies to remove dead skin from your feet.

Pumice is a natural lava rock that is a popular method for removing corns and dead skin on the feet. For best results, soak your feet in warm water for 15-20 minutes before starting. The application is simple: submerge the pumice stone in hot water and then gently move it in a circular motion over your feet to remove the dead skin cells on your feet. Make sure to stop immediately after removing the top layer of dead skin (redness or bleeding means you've gone too far), then apply a foot lotion or cream to finish. Never use a pumice stone on broken skin or damaged areas.
Foot scrubs

Foot scrubs, available at drugstores, can be used to physically remove dead skin from your feet. To use it, take it out of the mini beauty fridge and we can apply the scrub directly to our feet and exfoliate with our hands, a sponge or a brush. When we finish an exfoliation, remember to rinse your feet with water and then apply lotion to your feet to keep them hydrated.
This addition can be done after a pedicure at most salons, or you can do it yourself at home. Kerosene wax is a soft wax that melts at about 125 degrees Fahrenheit, which is hot enough but not hot enough to burn the skin. During the treatment, dip your foot into the kerosene several times until it is covered with several layers of kerosene, then wrap it in a plastic bag. As the kerosene wax hardens, the plastic bag is removed, and the dead skin on foot disappears, leaving the toes soft and smooth.
However, kerosene wax is not for everyone, especially if you have open wounds, sores or rashes on your feet, poor circulation, or no longer have feeling in your feet. If you are doing the treatment at home, you should carefully control the temperature of the wax with a thermometer to avoid burning yourself.
4. laxative salt or crust

Laxative salt is a crystal form of magnesium sulfate, a mineral compound, and is the best natural remedy to remove dead skin on the feet. Pour the laxative salt into water, let it dissolve, and then soak your feet to exfoliate the skin. Use half a cup of laxative salt in a foot bath, or fill the tub with a full cup of hot water. After 20 minutes, use a foot brush or pumice stone to remove the dead skin from your feet. You can also make a foot scrub by mixing a handful of laxatives with a tablespoon of oil or bath oil and rubbing it on your feet with your hands or a bath sponge. Before you rinse your feet thoroughly, you should remove as much dead skin as possible to get better results.
Vinegar Softeners
Vinegar compresses help soften and remove dead skin and repair cracked feet. Any kind of vinegar is good; you probably already have apple cider or white vinegar in your kitchen. Use one part vinegar to two parts cold water and soak your feet for 5-10 minutes. For an extra boost, use a pumice stone to remove sagging skin. After soaking, apply lotion to lock in moisture and put on socks.
Like a pumice stone, a heel file or sanding board is used to exfoliate, smooth, and remove calluses from the skin. Soak dry skin in warm water, then use a heel file until the skin is soft and loose. When finished, rinse feet, wipe with lotion, and put on socks to retain moisture.
Wear the right shoes

Too tight or ill-fitting shoes are often the cause of calluses. Make sure your shoes fit properly, especially running shoes, and that you have at least an inch of space between your toes to prevent blisters and corns. Wearing the same pair of shoes every day can also lead to foot problems, so rotate different shoes regularly.
Stop rubbing
The easiest way to treat corns is to avoid them. If you know where your feet tend to form corns, such as along your toes, put a piece of moleskin in that area before you put on your socks to prevent your shoes from rubbing there.
Learn more about skincare at :COOSEON Journal.