The 8 Deadly Sunscreen Mistakes You Are Making

Cooseon beauty fridge editorial reminds you to beware. You have been warned!

Sunscreen protects your skin from UVA and UVB rays because it blocks the sun from burning your skin, minimizes the risk of skin cancer, and prevents wrinkles and other signs of skin ageing from forming on your face.

This study found that people who used sunscreen were 24 per cent less likely to have ageing skin than those who did not use sunscreen regularly.

That's why skipping a spot or applying too little sunscreen can be very detrimental to your skin since UV exposure accounts for 80 per cent of the visible signs of skin ageing.

Sunscreen Mistakes You're Making

  1. Not applying sunscreen 15-30 minutes before you leave home.

For best results, you need to apply sunscreen about 15-30 minutes before you leave the house.

This will give your sunscreen enough time to absorb into your skin and make it less likely to come off when you sweat.

  1. Apply a small amount of sunscreen: Applying

A small amount of sunscreen means that your skin is not adequately protected from the sun, resulting in less SPF coverage and thus putting you at risk for sunburn.

Know that the proper amount of sunscreen to apply should be at least one full application - the equivalent of a small glass.

  1. Forget to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours.

Most people know they should apply sunscreen every 2 hours when outdoors, but only a few actually reapply it.

This is wrong because sunscreen should be reapplied at least every 2 hours and more frequently after sweating and swimming.

  1. Missing all the right areas.

Failing to apply sunscreen to certain forgotten areas, such as the neck, back of the neck, hands, eyelids, ears and chest, can make it easier for UV rays to penetrate deeper into the skin.

Most people tend to ignore these forgotten areas when applying sunscreen because these areas don't get enough sun or are just uncomfortable, so why bother?

Unfortunately, these areas are more susceptible to skin cancer - especially your eyelids.

     5 . You are not applying sunscreen evenly enough.

When applying sunscreen, pay close attention and check the exposed areas where the sun may penetrate and maximize coverage.

If you use a spray sunscreen, continue to spray evenly until your skin appears shiny.

  1. No sunscreen on cloudy days.

80% of the sun's rays still penetrate the skin on cloudy or rainy days, and only 20% of people apply sunscreen during this time.

  1. Applying SPF 50 and above without reapplying.

Most people believe that when they apply SPF 50, they are completely protected from UVA and UVB rays.

  1. Sunscreens are not well stored.

Many people think that sunscreen is an essential part of our daily routine, so it is logical to assume that it should be treated as such, but the truth is that the ingredients in sunscreen are the same as the ingredients in the skin care products you think are expensive. Why else would there be so many cases of allergies after using sunscreen for a period of time? So sunscreen needs to be stored well in a mini makeup fridge. Our cooseon LED beauty fridge is perfect for all your daily skincare storage needs. The mission of our skincare fridge is to keep all your skincare products fresh and lock in your youthful beauty!

For most people, this allows them to stay out in the sun all day without reapplying sunscreen. Instead of being protected, they end up being exposed to the sun.

For more on sunscreen, you can check out cooseon's previous blog posts.

The Secret of Young Japanese Anti-aging Skincare

10 Summer Skincare Tips Dermatologists Swear By

What Happens to Your Skin When You Skip Sunscreen


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