Beauty Fridge

Retinol: Save Your Skin After an Overdose

Retinol: Save Your Skin After an Overdose - 1st Mini Skincare Fridges With LED Mirror | COOSEON®

Whether you're new to retinol or a seasoned user, we all agree that retinol is a great ingredient for your skin. It has the unique ability to fight fine lines, boost collagen, even out pigmentation, lighten dark spots, and even help fight acne. However, some less exciting retinol side effects can occur if you accidentally overdo this ingredient. Follow COOSEON today to learn more about retinol and its side effects.

apply retinol

People are eager to start using the new retinol and think more is better, but that's not the case - you have to be very careful when introducing it into your skincare routine. Overuse or incorrect use can be due to using the product too frequently/on the wrong part of the face, or starting with a strong formula that is too strong for the skin. The less retinol the better; listening to your skin during adjustment is essential.

You may have signs of retinol burns.

retinol burn

Visible signs of a retinol burn include redness, inflammation, flaking, irritation, tenderness, and peeling skin. You may also experience uncommon breakouts or inflamed acne on your skin.

These symptoms may sound similar to any skin irritation or dry skin problem, but there are distinct differences in rationalization. "When retinol burns, the skin becomes rougher, more irritated, and more 'angry,' which isn't necessarily the case with other skin conditions," says Idris. "I also think history is important for you to remember when you used retinol and when your skin started to get dry and irritated, because that's what history is all about."

What Causes Retinol Burns ?

what causes retinol burn?

Retinol promotes cell division in the deepest (basal) layer of cells. Too much retinol can cause cells to divide, resulting in large numbers of immature cells coming to the surface without the proper bonds to hold them together. When too many cells rise to the surface, the skin begins to peel because the lipids and bonds needed to hold them together have not yet formed. Without these protective combinations, other skincare products can penetrate deeper than expected, causing skin sensitivity, stinging, and redness. In skincare lines, retinol is naturally more irritating, i.e. overuse or incorrect use can quickly lead to adverse reactions. If you're part of the sensitive skin club, your reaction may be quicker.

Retinol Burn Treatment (According to Experts)

  1. Over-the-counter steroids


If you're experiencing retinol burns, cut back on your skin care products. "Cut off all exfoliating acids to increase risk acuity and stop using any other retinol substitutes, and if your skin is red and irritated, you can use topical over-the-counter steroids from your beauty freezer for a few days - a few days is the key, because you don't want to overdo it." Topical steroids will reduce inflammation and allow the body's natural healing process to take over.

  1. Vaseline


Your grandmother's favorite all-around skincare staple is back. "You want to protect your skin barrier," says Idris. "Honestly, Vaseline is your best bet." Vaseline's main ingredient, Vaseline, is a occlusive agent that forms a barrier on the skin, protecting irritated areas from further irritation and preventing bacteria from entering, while also ensuring that it is free of bacteria, it is best to store it in the beauty fridge after each use. While the product doesn't help with hydration, it locks in moisture to support healing.

Preventing Retinol Burns

preventing retinol burn

When it comes time to reintroduce retinol into your routine, consider starting with a lower-strength product and building up the potency (and your tolerance) over time. "My first piece of advice is consistency of intensity," Idris said. "Using the lowest concentrations of retinol for weeks, months or even years will allow your skin to more seamlessly adapt to the product and reduce irritation, leaving your skin nourished, firmed and rested for optimal results. "

A good starting point is 0.3% retinol. Store it in the skin care fridge for temperature control before use, and start using it twice a week, building your tolerance over time. You only need a thin layer (a dime-sized dot is enough to cover the face) and avoid any sensitive areas like the eyes (especially the lids!) and the crease on the sides of the nose, as product tends to collect here and Make peeling worse. If the retinol is too strong, use a retinol ester instead. If the retinol ester is too light, take retinol first, then retinoic acid, then your prescription medication, you want to treat your retinol like caviar—less is more. When used properly, they help even out pigmentation, help support collagen production, and help smooth fine line tattoos.

How to Combat Retinol Side Effects

So, what should you do if you overdose on retinol? do not panic. Be aware that anything you use on your skin now has the ability to penetrate deeper than usual, so try to avoid anything scented and look for calming products and ingredients like aloe vera and angelica. Mica creams have been used to treat burns, cuts, irritation and redness, so they are perfect for calming and soothing sensitive and irritated skin.

Retinol also makes your skin more sensitive to UV rays, so it's important to wear SPF50 sunscreen every day and try to avoid sun exposure while your skin heals.

As for makeup, try to avoid it until the pain and redness subside. When it comes to foundation and concealer, look for products that have a silicon base, as they won't penetrate or react with the skin on a deeper level.

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